max payne 2 full game torrent

Max Payne 2: The Punisher is an addon for a cinematic adventure shooter. The game is made in the style of film noir, and uses such techniques as spectacular shootouts, and the story is presented in the style of graphic novels. The zest has been preserved - the "bullet-time" function slows down time in the process of killing an enemy. The latest mod made changes to the action: new screens appeared, the hero became similar to John Travolta, cruelty increased - the blood of those killed flows like a river. The creators have added new weapons - more than a dozen machine guns and pistols, including the Desert Eagle, FAMAS F1, M4A1 Carbine, Colt Anaconda.

The game has difficulty levels:
  • Detective - available from the start, where, in case of frequent death of the hero, the passage is facilitated. Enemies do not have special intelligence, and health regeneration is faster.
  • New York Minute - Max completes the levels in the allotted time.
  • Dead Man Walking - the character goes to one of the five locations. Here you need to hold out for the maximum time, endlessly shooting back from enemies that are respawning.

The hero Max Payne previously worked as a policeman who honestly fought criminals in New York. After the murder of his wife and daughter, the guy takes revenge on all the villains in his path, killing indiscriminately - both robbers and dangerous killers. The protagonist is accused of one murder, so he must hide from the cops. Periodically, the gamer is able to switch when passing to Mona Sax, the protagonist's girlfriend. At first, the Beretta pistol is available to the user, but in the process you can find other weapons, including snipers, Molotov cocktails, and grenades.

The combat system has become well thought out. For example, to throw a grenade, you can click on an additional weapon, instead of choosing it among individual weapons. Hand-to-hand weapons also exist separately, so the player will hit the opponent with the butt much faster. Using slow jump, the character will be able to shoot while prone until the ammo runs out.
Screenshots from the game
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Pirate (Pill: Not required) 
Size: 1.34 GB
Game Version: (Full) Latest
Add. information:
Publication updated - December 13, 2021, 21:10.
update details
  • Release date: 2006
  • Genre: Action
  • Developer: Remedy Entertainment
  • Interface: Russian
  • Voice acting: English


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